Sunday 21 July (evening) - 90/90/180/180 x2 run/walk splits (supposedly)
Actual - 90r / 120w / 180r / 180w / 90r / 90w / 75r / 120w / 90r / 120w / 60r
20m 15s. 1.77 miles. Avg speed 5.24 mph. Avg pace 11:27 min/mile
As much as I hate myself for saying it, I was relieved that the weather was considerably cooler than it has been the last couple of weeks. That's possibly the only positive thing I can say about this run, oh that and the calves and ankles that had been a bit whiny pre-run shut quit their grumbling as I ran.
The first set of splits were hard (after forgetting the first walking set was meant to be 20 seconds and not 2 minutes) but doable, and I managed my first 3 minute run in nearly 2 months without having a coronary. Things went downhill from there. After the second 90 second running I was doubtful that I was going to make the next full 3 minute set. I was right. About 30 seconds in I ran straight into a runner-trap, AKA a helpfully discarded loop of garden wire (why exactly somebody needed to take that to the local park is beyond me). Needless to say that I didn't end up slowly swinging by my ankles from a tree whilst the sound of approaching banjos floated on the breeze, but after a couple of metres hopping, swearing and flailing, I managed to regain my balance and untangle myself. But I did wrench my ankle and winded myself quite badly. After that I struggled to get back into any sort of rhythm, even with the help of my iPod.
gratuitous Abbey shot |
This is the first time I've run with music. And the fact they kept falling out of my ears aside, I'm not entirely sure I'm a fan but it did manage to distract me during the 3 minute run, rather than me looking at my watch every 20 seconds, hoping that it was over.
Wednesday 24 July (evening) - 90/90/180/180 x2 run/walk splits (yeah right)
Actual - 90r / 90w / 180r / 180w / 90r / 90w / 85r / 90w / 100r / 180w
19m 55s. 1.59 miles. Avg speed 4.8 mph. Avg pace 12:29 min/mile
Tonight I was so tired that on getting home from work I didn't dare let myself sit down before heading out for tonight's run, in fact just sitting down to tie the laces on my trainers held the risk that I wasn't going to stand up again. I was also starving, so shoved a couple of slices of salami down my neck on my way out the door. This was a mistake...
The first set felt hard, and again I had no confidence about achieving the second set, and I was right, even with the added support of a woman stood on top of one of the Abbey walls shouting "keep running". It was during the second set that it became apparent that salami is not a great pre-run snack for me and made for a challenging and nervous jog down the abandoned railway track. Not sure it did much for my gait either!
Lessons learned -
- don't eat within an hour of running, and if I absolutely have to, salami is not a wise choice;
- if you must run with music, get the iPod sorted before starting the run because attempting to do it on the move is basically asking to end up in A&E
Following day damage - aching ankles and knees
Added bonus - following abject failure at sticking to the plan (and permitted by the stomach calming itself down). I ran the uphill stretches of the walk home - Norman Mount (11.16 metres of elevation in 95.5metres) and Morris Mount (5.7 metres of elevation in 48.3 metres). Didn't bother to time this, and I suspect I'm not running enough hills for it to be of any benefit but I quite enjoy it all the same.
Saturday 27 July (afternoon) - 90/90/180/180 x2 run/walk splits (guess what)
Actual - 90r / 90w / 120r / 90w / 120r / 90w / 60r / 180w / 60r / 180w / 60r / 180w / 30r uphill / 108w / 15r uphill
20m 35s. 1.72 miles. Avg speed 5 mph. Avg pace 12:00 min/mile
By rights I should have run yesterday but a bubbling migraine put paid to that. Having decided I couldn't face another wheeze around the Abbey I chose a new route through Morris Wood. Evenings seem to be my preferred running time and I never seem to run as well in an afternoon so maybe that didn't help. Discovered that running on grass is more tiring than tarmac, and between starting out on grass and the first 3 minute set being mostly uphill (yeah, not much of a hill to be fair), it pretty much finished me off. But running through the wood (once I got my breath back) was much more fun, and I managed another 2 minutes of running feeling pretty good.
Feeling a bit short-changed (and a total failure) by the time I'd headed back towards home, I looped back round and ran over the field down towards the Abbey, then back along Abbey road and "sprinted" up Norman Mount and Morris Mount (30 seconds and 15 seconds respectively), and nearly killed myself. By the time I got home my stomach hurt and I really thought I was going vomit. I contemplated flaking out in the communal garden, not knowing if I was going to make it up two flights of stairs, but decided that was just too embarrassing. It's been a long time since I've worked so hard. Also realised on getting out of the shower that my face was still an alarming shade of puce.
Following day damage - legs feel tired but strong :) Think I can even feel a slight ache in my left glute, which for me is a good sign that it's not just my calves taking part - happy day!
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my route through England's tiniest wood |
Next week.......guess I'll be repeating week 2 :(